Crate bevy_audio

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Audio support for the game engine Bevy

fn main() {
        .add_plugins((MinimalPlugins, AssetPlugin::default(), AudioPlugin::default()))
        .add_systems(Startup, play_background_audio)

fn play_background_audio(asset_server: Res<AssetServer>, mut commands: Commands) {
    commands.spawn(AudioBundle {
        source: asset_server.load("background_audio.ogg"),
        settings: PlaybackSettings::LOOP,




  • How should Bevy manage the sound playback?
  • Defines the volume to play an audio source at.


  • A trait that allows adding a custom audio source to the object. This is implemented for App to allow registering custom Decodable types.
  • Common interactions with an audio sink.
  • A trait for working generically across different Sample format types.
  • A type implementing this trait can be converted to a rodio::Source type. It must be Send and Sync, and usually implements Asset so needs to be TypeUuid, in order to be registered. Types that implement this trait usually contain raw sound data that can be converted into an iterator of samples. This trait is implemented for AudioSource. Check the example audio/decodable for how to implement this trait on a custom type.
  • Represents a value of a single sample.
  • A source of samples.

Type Aliases